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How whatsapp messenger makes money

how whatsapp messenger makes money

August 2 Written By: EduPristine. Whatsapp: The leading OTT messaging service. Whatsapp enables its user to send text messages, images, video and audio media to other users. On a different note, Facebook has recently bought Whatsapp. But till date, I have not heard of a single person who has paid for this service. Interestingly, it tends to extend the free service period every time a user reaches close to the expiry date. So this method of revenue generation that seems like the only visible revenue mdssenger scheme is actually not generating the revenue.

It was further updated to Whatsapp 2. This Facebook-owned IM Application now provides service to more than 1 Billion users all over the world. There surely are some big plans in the minds of developers and Facebook regarding its revenue model. The founders hated advertisements and created this ad-free platform focusing just on great user experience and interface. But at the same time, they had to pay their bills too. This was the only source of income for the 50 staff members of WhatsApp. The strategy of the founders was to position the brand as a synonym for an instant messaging application. This strategy of creating a network first and money after proved to be fruitful.

Facebook had new plans for WhatsApp. The company launched WhatsApp Business application which lets users build their business profile and become a verified business on WhatsApp. The verified businesses can create their business profile along with certain important links to their website or facebook page, set up autoresponders, can even link their landline numbers with WhatsApp and can even integrate the WhatsApp for Business API with their product offering. The WhatsApp Business application is currently free to download and use for all businesses. WhatsApp API lets the businesses integrate WhatsApp for Business with their systems to reach out to customers through notifications and deal with their queries automatically. To prevent ad spam, the company restricted the ability to send messages. Businesses can only send messages to people who have contacted them first, but the API will also help them programmatically send shipping confirmations, appointment reminders or event tickets to their customers.

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More than 2 billion people use Facebook or one of its other services, Instagram, WhatsApp or Messenger, every day. That’s more than a quarter of the world’s population. And despite a rising number of privacy scandals and public backlash , Facebook is still growing. The company makes a whopping 99 percent of its revenue from advertising — that’s more than the other online ad giant, Alphabet , which depends on advertising for 85 percent of its revenue. Watch the video to learn how Facebook’s advertising model works, and how the company is able to target ads directly to each user, including you. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. All Rights Reserved. Data also provided by.

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WhatsApp is a free instant messaging service for those using standard cellular mobile numbers to send text messages, voice calls, video calls, images, video and other media to each. The app was launched in Januaryand was acquired by Facebook in Bythe app had reached a user base of 1 billion. WhatsApp can be downloaded on iPhone, Android and other smartphones, and uses data rather than your mobile phone plan, so if you have an internet connection, you can call someone using WhatsApp and not have to pay for it.

The messages that are sent across the app are end-to-end encrypted, meaning no-one how whatsapp messenger makes money the sender and the recipient can read the messages. The acquisition raised some eyebrows at the fact that Facebook now had access to data that was contained in private messages. It was always assumed that Facebook invested for the amount of user data it could capture, though with the end-to-end encryption of messages, this became more complicated. Neither WhatsApp nor Facebook can read your messages, the company says, and information entered into WhatsApp will not be shared onto any other platform owned by Facebook.

Though what the company can and cannot see is hotly debated. In January WhatsApp announced on their blog that they would be putting an end to subscription fees. This meant getting messages from your bank about recent transactions via WhatsApp or getting a text about a delayed flight from your airline on WhatsApp. With over 1 billion users actually using WhatsApp every day, the focus seems to be primarily on the user growth and making money from selling software and services.

Facebook has yet to make a substantial earning from WhatsApp, as other instant messaging apps like WeChat app have stormed ahead in that respect. Follow Metro. WhatsApp statistics Every day 1 billion people use WhatsApp.

There are 1. Users spend on average minutes on the app each week. The average user sends 1, message a month There are 55 billion messages sent daily. Share this article via facebook Share this article via twitter Share this article via messenger Share this with Share this article via email Share this article via flipboard Copy link.

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The app allows users to upload their contact book and message anyone who has the app installed, at no cost. Facebook Inc. So how is WhatsApp making its money? There are still no ads in the app. The goal is to have people communicate directly with i.

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Outside of America, where sending text messages is more expensive, SMS apps are popular and have successfully monetized. The app has over million active users. With SMS apps, growth is exponential — when one person in a social group downloads and advocates using the app, many new users download the app in order to communicate with the original person. These new users then encourage other members of their other social groups to use the app. Find more statistics at Statista. Governments and counter-terrorism agencies wanted the companies behind these messengwr to share the encryption key in mxkes to gain access to messages sent and received by the terrorists. The companies, however, refused to oblige.


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