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How much money did al gore make off carbon taxes

how much money did al gore make off carbon taxes

Al Gore wants to reverse modernity and gofe the world from itself through an elimination of its fossil-fuel-based energy. If this sounds familiar, it is. The subsequent efforts made by Gore during the past 25 years have transformed little from their genesis, and he remains as tragically wrong today as he was when he first surfaced as an opponent of everything linked to carbon-dioxide. If you scroll through the verbiage surrounding the document, you will find the core policy recommendation is a zl, punishing carbon tax. Al Gore has been demonizing fossil fuels and attempting to marginalize mch those involved in the traditional energy sector sincethe year the climate-change movement was rolled out in Washington, D. When this whole thing unravels, will there be contrition? Politicians will go. The left needs to read Listen Liberal!

A l Gore wants to reverse modernity and save the world from itself through an elimination of its fossil-fuel-based energy system. During the final week of April, his newly created Energy Transitions Commission released a document setting forth a fool’s-errand pathway to «decarbonize» the world’s energy system. If this sounds familiar, it is. Gore’s plan features a new, sophisticated, and expensive public-relations campaign, but it’s all based on his views on carbon dioxide first broached in his book Earth in the Balance , which he reissued in for his failed presidential campaign. The subsequent efforts made by Gore during the past 25 years have transformed little from their genesis, and he remains as tragically wrong today as he was when he first surfaced as an opponent of everything linked to carbon-dioxide. If you scroll through the verbiage surrounding the document, you will find the core policy recommendation is a massive, punishing carbon tax. Our economic growth and personal well-being depends on robust fossil-fuel use, so Gore’s plan would destroy these as well. But, don’t worry! Al Gore has been demonizing fossil fuels and attempting to marginalize all those involved in the traditional energy sector since , the year the climate-change movement was rolled out in Washington, D.

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Ever since, Gore’s pathway to political power and personal riches has been a successful one, to be sure, but his multi-trillion-dollar effort today is his most sophisticated effort to date. Unfortunately for him, it will also fail, because what he’s selling in his «new» proposal is bad for the people being asked to embrace it. Over the years, Gore has emerged in many contexts in his effort to eradicate carbon-dioxide emissions, a benign gas required for all life to thrive on Earth— plant, animal, and human alike. It has never mattered to Gore that ordinary people everywhere have been hurt and will continue to be hurt by his continual efforts to make fossil-fuel energy expensive and that the poorest among us are harmed the most by the energy policies he supports. The anti-humanity proposals in Gore’s latest initiative have as one of their chief goals the elimination of fossil fuels, full stop. Gore does allow for greater use of natural gas into the s, but he eliminates coal right away. He also allows for oil use to grow into the mids, but «decarbonize» means just that; his plan inevitably ends with a phase-out of fossil-fuel use.

how much money did al gore make off carbon taxes

Al Gore has been accused of profiting from the climate change agenda amid claims he is on course to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire”.

In , Al Gore, then U. Funds from the cattle sale went to three of his kids, according to federal disclosure forms filed as part of his presidential run. Continue reading. Bush in late , based on and disclosure forms. Albert Arnold Gore Jr. Detractors see Gore as a limousine liberal, tiresome pedant and climate alarmist who lives a jet-setting, carbon-profligate lifestyle while preaching asceticism for everyone else. His work and writing on global warming have earned him a share of a Nobel Prize as well as a South Park cartoon parody in which he tries to scare school kids to his beliefs with a fictitious global-warming surrogate monster known as ManBearPig. Gore declined to be interviewed for this story. How Gore achieved this is as much about timing and luck as it is about business skills. Gore also had his share of flubs, most of them in his efforts at green-tech investing. An investment firm he helped to start took stakes in two carbon-trading firms that fizzled and also racked up tens of millions in losses in a solar-module maker. This may be in part because Gore, by reputation, shuns figurehead appointments for real ones.

He has already bragged about it. The CEI removed the harsh claims several days after publication. There all a bunch of two faced Bstards. Environmental Protection Agency and another by the National Science Foundation, have found no evidence of academic fraud. Dylan Lv 5. Trending News. I mean, Al Gore stands to make many millions of dollars off of Global Warming. The only one I know is Al Horford. Mohammed Al Fayed is worth 1. Al Horford plays for the Atlanta Hawks.

The world’s most viewed site on global warming and climate change

Al Gore is a capitalist, and a very successful business man. Asked in Basketball Who is al horford? It doesn’t quite sound right, but that’s what they said. Trending News. With the potential of more money! Nathan Lv 4. He is an idiot for a living. The CEI removed the harsh claims several days after publication. Show more answers 2. Mohammed Al Fayed is worth 1. You can sign in to vote the answer.

Discussion in ‘ Politics ‘ started by futurecurrentsJan 28, Log in or Sign up. Elite Trader. There is a good reason that there is confusion and doubt about AGW A shadowy group called the Donors Trust is largely funded by billionaire Charles Koch and his wife Liz, according to an investigation by The Independent.

The trust indirectly receives millions of dollars in funding from a third-party group called the Knowledge and Progress Fund, which the Koch family operates, the paper claims. According to the Independent’s investigation, Donors Trust has given significant funding to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a right-wing think tank. Climatologist Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University has sued that group, claiming it accused him of scientific fraud and compared him to a child molester.

Nine investigations of Mann’s climate research, including one by the U. Environmental Protection Agency and another by the National Science Foundation, have found no evidence of academic fraud. The CEI removed the harsh claims several days after publication.

Mann, however, remains committed to promoting a science-based approach to climate change. The damaging impacts that climate change is already having on us here in the U.

Let’s take a look at some enlightening material on Professor Mann at Penn State. He is the man who drove the fabricated hockey stick thesis and started all this ‘global warming’ nonsense. He and others fabricated the East Angelia climate data and left a clear set of leaked emails demonstrating that ‘global warming’ is a hoax and for years they drove a complete deception. Can you explain just how many millions have been funneled from the Climate Claim proponents such as Al Gore.

How much has he made off of his associated for-profit carbon credit business? Even worse — a good portion of the money pushing ‘climate change’ comes directly from your tax dollars as grants given to university professors and foundations to ‘study’ climate change. Of course if the results of your study finds no climate change, you will never get a government dime. It also appears by the title of the thread that you are completely ignorant about the difference between a ‘non-profit’ and a how much money did al gore make off carbon taxes.

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Al Gore ‘flying around belching out carbon dioxide’

Al Gore has long been a knight of the movement to combat climate change. His big comeback comes months after a populist wave swept President Donald Trump to a surprise election victory, setting the stage for the most aggressive rollback of environmental and climate policies in history. But for some people, the best person to imbue climate change with the urgency it needs may not be a rich, banker-friendly liberal who rode shotgun in a White House that brought about trade deals so vilified that Trump won over traditionally Democratic Rust Belt workers by vowing to renegotiate. The critique hits at a pressure point in mainstream climate change messaging. The causes of climate change are clear: burning fossil fuels, industrialized farms and destruction of the forests that capture carbon and store carbon.


But the solutions, and who should be responsible for them, are far less clear. The same outlets that frequently air the opinions of pseudoscience-hawking skeptics who flout the evidence that climate change is real, serious and preventable also pillory Gore for the size of his carbon footprint. The appearance of hypocrisy is not lost on Gore.


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