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Osrs wiki pyramid plunder money making

osrs wiki pyramid plunder money making

Pyramid Plunder is a Thieving minigame located in the city of Sophanem at the far southern reaches of the Kharidian Desert. Inside Sophanem, the Jalsavrah Pyramid can be found with four anonymous looking doors ; access to the minigame can be found behind one of the doors, guarded by the Guardian mummy. During the minigame, the player has five minutes to plunder the contents of Jalsavrah. The pyramid consists of ;lunder rooms, each requiring progressively higher Thieving levels to enter and loot. Artefacts pillaged from the rooms range from ivory combs to jewelled diamond statuettes osrs wiki pyramid plunder money making, with the most valuable artefacts found deepest in the pyramid. Rarely, players may find a Pharaoh’s sceptre within a grand gold chest or within a sarcophagus inside Jalsvarah. A sceptre of the gods can very rarely be plundered from the engraved sarcophagus in the 8th room, requiring 91 Thieving to access and 75 Runecrafting to pry it open. Pieces of the rare Black ibis outfit can be found within the urns or sarcophagi with the pyramid. Teleport to Al Kharidand use the magic carpet network to get to Sophanem. Speak with Tarik south of the Jalsavrah Pyramid near the northern wiji of the city. He’ll explain the pyramid, the dangers within, and explain the collection and selling of artefacts to Simon Templeton. As soon as the player starts the minigame a timer will appear on screen.

Being a thief can be a very profitable profession in OSRS, especially since it is a f2p game. Not only will you be able to gain an astounding amount of gold on your account by doing this, but you will also gain a nice thief skillcape which you can then flaunt in front of your friends. However, players often do not know how to go about it and waste a lot of time trying to level from level This guide will provide with a lot of helpful tips and tricks to reach max lvl in no time, even allowing you to skip some of the leveling altogether. You will also learn to avoid some of the more common mistakes which a lot of players make. The guide bases on info from , but it is still fully valid in Let’s get into OSRS thieving guide. Almost every new player struggles with the first couple levels while leveling thieving. Making it all the way from level 1 to level 2 and then to level 5 can be a massive pain in the neck, and why should you waste your precious time while you can skip this hassle and proceed to high levels in a matter of minutes! How, you ask? The answer is extremely simple — questing! Not only will you unlock a lot of the endgame content while questing, including a plenty of new areas to visit, but you will also gain thieving levels without having to do any extra work. As you progress through the game, make sure to finish the Fight Arena quest. The quest can be finished as soon as you leave the Tutorial Island as it has no requirements, and will not only raise your attack experience by a considerable amount, but also level up your thieving skill all the way up to level 14, saving you hours of tedious work.

Rules of the land

Try to get as many Fire Strike as possible, as those will surely come in handy while doing the quest. Afterward, consider doing some of the quests which have a thieving requirement lower than


Pyramid Plunder is a Thieving minigame set in the Jalsavrah pyramid in Sophanem , far in the southern Kharidian Desert. Inside Sophanem, the Jalsavrah Pyramid can be found with four anonymous looking doors ; access to the minigame can be found behind one of the doors, guarded by the Guardian mummy. During the minigame, the player has five minutes to plunder the contents of Jalsavrah. The pyramid consists of eight rooms, each requiring progressively higher Thieving levels to enter and loot. Artifacts pillaged from the rooms range from ivory combs to golden statuettes , with the most valuable artefacts found deepest in the pyramid. Rarely, players may find a Pharaoh’s sceptre within a grand gold chest or within a sarcophagus inside Jalsvarah.

Below is a table showing what each item is worth in coins. Players can use a crack in the wall behind the bank to get to Simon Templeton even faster. After completion of the quest Dealing with Scabaras , Simon will purchase noted artefacts from the player. Similar to Ring of dueling, but with unlimited teleportation charges. Checking urns takes a fairly long time, so for faster experience, it is often better to simply search all urns. In the centre of each room the player can find golden chest. A relatively simple strategy to follow is rushing to the penultimate room and looting each chest along the way. When the player is in their highest level room and time is running out, prioritise looting the golden chest for a chance at better rewards. Alternatively, players who have completed the quest King’s Ransom may use Hair clip also works. A summoning obelisk and bank can be found in the Main Plaza. The Menaphyrite gem may be obtained rarely while looting urns. Rewards also get better the further one ventures into the pyramid. Question self. Inside Sophanem, the Jalsavrah Pyramid can be found with four anonymous looking doors ; access to the minigame can be found behind one of the doors, guarded by the Guardian mummy.

Maximizing your exp gain

There is a chance that Jenifurr will appear when opening this sarcophagus. Once you are ready, he will take you to pkunder first room. If the player still has time remaining after, resume plundering urns until kicked. After completion of the quest Dealing with ScabarasSimon will purchase noted artefacts from the player. When looting urns, sarcophagi, and chests, players will find various artefacts which may be sold on the Grand Exchangeor traded to Simon Templeton for coins. Start a Wiki. Note osgs the experience from checking and searching adds up when both steps plunfer performed. The pyramid consists of eight rooms, each requiring progressively higher Thieving levels to enter and loot. Damage is scaled, based the players maximum life points, increasing in damage as the player progresses deeper in the pyramid. Log in or sign up in seconds. Wielding a Sceptre of the gods will increase pyramir drop rate of outfit pieces. One may uncommonly receive a small Menaphite gift offering as. It used to be 62, but it was deleted due to too many people having fun skilling. If an artefact cannot be replaced, the piece of equipment will fall to the ground.

The early levels

Pyramid Plunder is a Thieving minigame located in the city of Sophanem at the far southern reaches of wkki Kharidian Desert. Inside Sophanem, the Jalsavrah Pyramid can be found with four anonymous looking doors osrw access to the minigame can be found behind one of the doors, guarded by owrs Guardian mummy. During the minigame, the player has five minutes to plunder the contents of Jalsavrah. The pyramid consists of eight rooms, each requiring progressively higher Thieving levels to enter and loot.

Artefacts pillaged from the rooms range from ivory combs to jewelled diamond statuetteswith the most valuable artefacts found deepest in the pyramid. Rarely, players may find a Pharaoh’s sceptre within a grand gold chest or within a sarcophagus inside Jalsvarah. A sceptre of the gods can very rarely be plundered from the engraved sarcophagus in the 8th room, requiring 91 Thieving to access and 75 Runecrafting to pry it open.

Pieces of the rare Black ibis outfit can be found within the urns or sarcophagi with the pyramid. Teleport to Al Kharidand use the magic carpet network to get to Sophanem. Speak with Tarik south of the Jalsavrah Pyramid near the northern gates of the city.

He’ll explain the pyramid, the dangers within, and explain the collection and selling of artefacts to Simon Templeton. As soon as the player starts the minigame a timer will appear on screen. Players have osrx minutes to plunder as many artefacts from the pyramid as they can before the mohey is depleted and the Guardian mummy teleports the player. Inside Jalsavrah, the player will find a room that contains the door through which they entered, a speartrap, urns, a golden chest, a sarcophagus, an exit door, and four doors leading to the next room, of which three leads to a dead end.

There are eight rooms in total, the first requiring 21 or higher Thieving to enter. Each subsequent room requires ten more levels than the previous room, with the final room requiring 91 or higher Thieving. Each room inside Jalsavrah has 13 urns, with the exception of room 3 which only has 12 urns. Players may choose to search or check urns. Checking an urn will check for traps. On successful checks, player will find a snake inside the urn.

It may then be charmed if the player has a snake charm allowing the player to search plynder urn for artefacts without fear of activating a trap. Both searching from and owrs urns earn the player Thieving experience, osgs charming snakes will not.

Unless charmed, a snake may bite the player, poisoning. Searching is much slower than stealing, and the rewards from urns are generally poorer than from the golden chest and sarcophagus. Rewards also get better the further one ventures pluncer the pyramid. The Menaphyrite gem may be obtained rarely while looting urns. In the centre of each room the player can find golden chest.

Looting the chest will award the player with higher pjramid artefacts than they would find the urns nearby. A Pharaoh’s sceptre may rarely be obtained from golden chests; if a sceptre is found, the Guardian mummy will appear and escort the player out of the pyramid, ending their plunder.

Occasionally the chest may contain an aggressive level scarab swarm plunxer, which attack extremely quick and poison. Scarab swarms will not follow players to the next room of the pyramid. Chests are often saved until everything else in the room has been looted, as scarabs can slow down the process of looting urns.

A sarcophagus woki be found in each room of the pyramid. Opening sarcophagi awards the player with Strength experience and artefacts, with higher value artefacts and experience obtained deeper within the pyramid.

Opening sarcophagi can take a fair amount of time, and may awaken a level 70 mummy. Players can phramid the sarcophagus if being attacked without interruption. There is a chance that Jenifurr will appear when opening this sarcophagus. She belongs to the Cats of Menaphos. Located in the eighth room, the engraved sarcophagus requires 91 Thieving and 75 Runecrafting to loot. When opened, the player has a chance of receiving a jewelled diamond statuettea pharaoh’s sceptrea sceptre of the godsor a black ibis outfit pyramix.

Opening the engraved odrs awards Runecrafting experience. Just like with the other sarcophagi, players may awaken a mummy upon opening. The corridor to each room will contain a spear trap, taking up two game squares on each of the walls. Clicking on either of the closest squares will attempt to deactivate the pluder, allowing the player to pass by unharmed if successful.

Players will be damaged by the spears if they attempt to walk into the room without deactivating the trap, fail to disarm the trap, or click on either llunder the farther squares.

Four locked tomb doors are hidden in the walls of each room, only one of which leads to the next room. Players must successfully unlock the tomb doors until the correct one is found, allowing them to reach the next room.

Successfully unlocking a tomb door awards some Thieving experience. A lockpick or hair clip will significantly reduce the chance of the player failing to unlock the door, at the cost of halving the experience gained. The door leading to the next room will change each time a player joins the minigame. It is possible for groups of players to play the minigame together and quickly search all doors in a room at the same naking. The other players can then follow the player who found the correct door.

Each room has an exit door, allowing for mzking quick mzking via the right-click menu. Monsters will not follow players through the doors. Failing obstacle and trap attempts will result in the player taking damage; the minimum a player will take from failing to loot urns is 50 damage. Damage is pyramd, based the players maximum life points, increasing in damage as the player progresses deeper in the pyramid. It is generally recommended for players to makin urns in only the two highest level rooms they can access; to maximise experience rates the player should attempt to loot every urn in their highest accessible room, and as many urns from the second highest room as time would allow.

Players using this method should always be aware of their makiing spent in the pyramid; it is advisable to move on to the last room after half of their time is remaining. When the player is in their highest level room and time is running out, prioritise looting the golden chest plundeer a chance at better rewards.

If the player still has time remaining after, resume plundering urns until kicked. After completion of The Light Within quest players can use of the Crystal Mask spell in conjunction with the Light Form prayer to reduce the rate of failing when checking and searching urns significantly.

Wearing Prayer boosting items and drinking a Prayer renewal potion will allow the player to do multiple trips pluncer the pyramid without the need of banking, or recharging their Prayer points. Unless the player plans to teleport to a bank after each pyramid plunder, food or a healing familiar is the only item necessary to play the minigame for extended periods ,oney time. It is possible for mid-to-high levelled players to make it through several rounds without needing to heal. The equipment below is needed to withstand the damage from monsters and poison during a plundering lyramid.

If the player wishes to reduce banking time, one full inventory of food and potions can last from four to sixteen games depending on how often the player consumes the items. To save time, it is best to eat in between games unless absolutely necessary. Quick banking can be pyrmid by using a ring of duellingring of kinshippyramdi TokKul-Zo to teleport to nearby banks at Castle WarsDaemonheimor TzHaar City respectively. After, a Pharaoh’s sceptre or Sceptre of the gods to return to the pyramid if possible.

If the player has completed the Contact! A summoning obelisk can be found along the east wall outside Sophanem, and an altar just southwest of the pyramid.

When looting urns, sarcophagi, and chests, players will find various artefacts which may be sold on the Grand Exchange makign, or traded to Simon Templeton for coins. After completion of the quest Dealing with ScabarasSimon will purchase noted artefacts from the player. The Sceptre of the gods. Wiku, players may also find the Pharaoh’s sceptre in one of the Grand Gold Chests or Sarcophagi, worth 1, coins. The chance of finding a sceptre is 0.

Players inside the pyramid will see an Annoyed guardian mummy standing beside the chest in each room when this happens, and will miney the fact. Players may also find a Sceptre of the gods inside the engraved sarcophagus. It has the same uses as a Pharaoh’s sceptre, but with 10 teleport charges 20 with completion of hard Desert tasksand when equipped grants players a greater chance of finding black ibis clothes.

A player wearing jaking Black ibis outfit. Rarely when looting urns and sarcophagi within Pyramid Plunder, players may receive a piece of the Black ibis outfit. Wielding a Sceptre of the gods miney increase the drop rate of outfit pieces. If the player finds a piece of black ibis with a full inventory, the equipment will replace an artefact in their inventory. If an artefact cannot be replaced, the piece of equipment will fall to the ground. Upon looting an urn, sarcophagus or chest, moneh cat named Jenifurr may spawn.

After completing The Jack of Spades and speaking to assistant librarian Subotaishe may be registered in the Menaphos journaland talked to as. The gemstone menaphyrite may be rarely looted from urns. One may uncommonly receive a small Menaphite osrz offering as. Sign In Don’t have an account? Start a Wiki. If you die, you will lose your items and will need to reclaim them from Death or your grave.

The unofficial world for Pyramid Plunder is world 64 P2P. Contents [ show ]. Unless players are looking for pharaoh’s sceptres or black ibis thieving garments, it may be advised not to open these because they are considerably slower to open than other containers and may spawn an aggressive mummy. Categories :. This is a dangerous minigame. Unknown edit. Monkfish or sharks are recommended unless the player has a better healing method.

Banking is the quickest and cheapest healing method.

The Lazy Players Guide to 99 Thieving

Thieving is one of the most popular skills for members-only players and provides a great way to make money without engaging tough opponents in combat. While special equipment can be helpful for pickpocketing, none of it is critical. Whatever investment you decide, these methods can be utilized by any player of any level. Begin pickpocketing Men and Women until level 5. This pyamid the added momey of giving you food, which for low-level characters will be quite important as your thieving gets riskier and you level up.

How should I get started with this OSRS Thieving Guide?

This makes for very easy leveling though it may not be as fast as the method. Which NPC you pick depends on your priorities .


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