I sold copies in April on ten books with income split about evenly from Amazon Kindle, paperback and audiobooks. This post will walk you through what you need to know along with five secrets to make money self-publishing books on Amazon. Keep in mind that the books average about pages each and took between and hours to write. One of the best sources for freelancers for cover designs and formatting is through Fiverr. Do it right though and you can make money self-publishing. Four of mucy books are consistently ranked within the top five for yoi their categories and the limited promotion I do is jow free through social media. This is probably one of the biggest seelling I see with bloggers and others trying hiw make a go of the work from home lifestyle. Very few income sources will produce enough every month to pay all your bills. You may get close during the good months, but income is so irregular that other months may leave you scrambling for cash. I make money on seven different incom...