By Jeff Mosier. A report released this morning from the Texas Oil and Gas Association calculated the extraordinary amount of government money generated by the industry. But Staples also pointed out that these numbers are lower than in past years because of the prolonged slump in oil and gas prices. The prices are up now but haven’t recovered to earlier levels. This year’s figure is down by 32 percent from the previous year and down 40 percent from In difficult times, we’re reminded that state and local tax revenue paid by the oil and natural gas industry is not guaranteed. Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced last month that state revenue would be tighter for the upcoming two-year budget mxke. He pointed to oil and gas prices as a significant factor. Staples said oil price texsa Hegar used for budget planning are in line with projections from energy industry experts. Even in a down era, industry is an important industry for Texas.