But optimizing Personas takes a lot of money — we’re talking millions upon millions of Yen. How are you ever supposed to rack up that much? Turns out that it’s easier than it sounds. This guide will tell you the best way to accumulate money as quickly as possible. But it’s especially helpful on your second run through when you persona 5 make money easy just want to save time. To get started with this method, you’ll need to obtain a Persona with the skills Pulinpa high chance of confusion and Confuse Boost. The earliest Persona that naturally obtains both of monney skills is Onmorakiwho learns Pulinpa at level 14 and Confuse Boost at level Once you have these two skills, you can fuse it with whatever Persona you want so long as you keep those two skills — but you’ll want to keep an eye on the Luck stat of the Persona you’re making. The higher the luck stat is, the more money you’re going to make. If you’re an optimizer and you want to get luck as high as mkae with minimal investment, the Gallows are your best friend. Throw the Persona whose luck you want to boost in there, and make sure it levels up. Pay attention to the fusion result screen — the highlighted stats are what will increase.
How to Grind Lots of Money in Persona 5
Weapons, medicine, special events, or gifts for confidants all require money. Aside from selling the trash that you pick up from the Palace, there are several ways that players can get large amounts of money. Just remember to hit the weak points of the enemies to knock them down and execute a Hold-Up. High Pixies appear in area 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Chemdah. With this method, you should be able to obtain tens of thousands of yen with just one Memento infiltration. This one involves the farming in the World of Qliphoth. This can be a bit difficult, however. You have to look for the persona, Kali.
Persona 5 Money Farming Guide
After confusing her, she will occasionally drop money. You can easily find Kali by looking for a shadow engulfed in a red aura. She also drops a few valuable healing items like Chewing Soul and Life Stones. This way, you can take advantage of the Economic Fortune and Money Collecting abilities. I did, however, find High Pixies on Kaitul. Confusing the memento bosses using Pulinpa and Confuse boost works much better. Here is a list of bosses that can be confused. Just have joker go in by himself so you can pass turns more quickly or with a healer if you need it. Use an SP restore 3 patch. Onmoraki learns Pulinpa at level 14 and confuse boost at level As Madasa said, depending on how far you are the bosses throw between 30kk and you can farm millions of yen per hour.
Persona 5 Money Farming Guide
Yen is the in-game currency of Persona 5, you get some when you are doing an activity or win a battle. But there are different ways by which you can make money and some offers you to easily get thousands of yen pretty fast. So the guide will offer you a list of things first which are like daily activities and next you can refer the money farming from the shadows. Also, there are some unique items Soma that can be found in the treasure chest that can be easily sold for 50, Yen at the toy weapon shop. It is a rare item and also a part of DLC, so you can still try searching it around. There is one way by which you can make a million yen easily but this requires a few hours of gameplay. The bosses will throw the pretty huge amount of money by this trick. You will need to level up Mental Skill Confuse Boost for this.
Why does this method work?
Once you have these two skills, you can fuse it with whatever Persona you want so long as you keep those two skills — but you’ll want to keep an eye on the Luck stat of the Persona you’re making. Klinestife Contributor. Published May. You can always turn it back up later. Add your comments Read more for our comments policy.
How to Grind Lots of Money in Persona 5
However, bosses can’t run away, so you can exploit this to have them constantly throw money and items at you. Persona in general is rigidly balanced around its level curve- farming lower level enemies eventually stops being effective, because the EXP gain is insufficient to actually mean. Defend until the eaey recovers from the confusion after three turns, then confuse it. Sega is planning to bring Yakuza and Persona to PC. Lower the difficulty to Safe. To change which stats get highlighted, exit and enter the fusion result screen over and over until you get the result you want. Luckily, this skill goes both ways and can be used against enemies in the game. Klinestife Contributor. Pay attention to the fusion result screen — the highlighted stats are what will increase. If your luck is around 70, then they’ll throwyen at you. This far exceeds every other method of income the game provides you. For those who don’t mind a bit of exploit, there is a way to earn unlimited money in the game. You can weaken it as much as you moneh while it’s confused to finish it off whenever you. Motor vehicle license plates are physical, historical east of motor vehicle history and monney plate collecting attracts fans of history, motor vehicles, and classic design.
Posted By Pramath On 14th, Apr. So yes, you need all the help you can get being a better person. Each stat has five ranks, and multiple Confidants require you to be at certain ranks in one or more of these stats before you can continue, or even begin, their arcs.
Persona in general is rigidly balanced around its level curve- farming lower level enemies eventually stops being effective, because the EXP gain is insufficient to actually mean. If you want to level up quickly mqke quicker than normal, that is, because mak game is honestly well balanced around keeping you at the level where you should be — then pegsona are certain workarounds eas need to implement.
View More. Tweet Share. Studying in the Diner in Shibuya on rainy days increases your Knowledge gain. Lower the difficulty to Safe. This increases your EXP gain at the end of each battle. You can always turn it back up later. Work on maximizing your Confidants. Go into Mementos on Influenza Days, and try to take on the Reaper. On Influenza Days, all shadows in Mementos are weaker than they otherwise would be, making them easier to take out- realistically, this means you can moneu into Mementos, and take on the Reaper, an incredibly high leveled Shadow, who will esay you a lot of EXP if you defeat it Make sure to take down Treasure Shadows.
They can be tedious although not difficult to defeat, but the rewards are extremely high EXP gains. Tagged With: AtlusPersona 5persona 5 tips and tricksps3ps4.
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Persona 5 — Easy Farming Money Early game
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Boards Persona 5 Whats the best way to make money? User Info: squallken1. User Info: winforlose. You get a hold up, keep asking for money, then when your ready you kill the last shadow with hold up. If you use money fortune you get double money for any all out attack wins. I usually got between 10, and 30, yen. Evil is the man who asks for mercy but shows. User Info: PS4Warrior. I just got the treasures whenever i could and sold .
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